This research group was established to study and develop standardized treatment methods for patients with peritoneal metastases, which are the most common metastatic form of gastric cancer and do not respond well to conventional chemotherapy.
Historically, our research group started as the Gastric Cancer Peritoneal Metastasis Research Group TF in October 2017 and registered as a candidate research group under the Korean Society of Gastric Cancer on February 24, 2018. At the same time, we started protocol development for the PIPS-GC trial, a clinical trial of intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy for the treatment of gastric cancer peritoneal metastasis.
Currently, we are awaiting the final results of the PIPS-GC RCT study and plan to conduct clinical studies on various intraperitoneal chemotherapy methods to control peritoneal metastasis from gastric cancer.